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Friday, May 25, 2007

2nd grade Aimee

Aimee's second grade teacher was leaving early this year due to attending a graduation ceremony in the US and for her to become naturalised (she is Russian by origin). So her class's student-led conferences were held earlier than the rest of the school. This was followed by a play they had put on describing their typical day at school.
Aimee has had a pretty decent year, finally has a little more enthusiasm in reading and hopefully with maturity, this and the desire to consistently do her best will increase.
These are photos from the conference with us and the performance. Video was taken using my still camera so quality was not fabulous :(. Enjoy anyway !


Steven Chaplin said...

Does Aimee's teacher know she has a door handle missing from one of the cupboards ?

Steven Chaplin said...

She sounds so American! You obviously don't talk enough South African at home, hmmm, can't talk really with Hanna, Kyra & espcially Ethan talking Kiwi.