The week started off as usual - busy !
Alison went to Headway on Monday to register, fill in forms etc. Back again on Tuesday for an assessment by the occupational therapist and physio. Doing exercises at home on Wednesday showed our break though. We hadn't done anything at home because of the visits to Headway and Alison was quite a bit stiffer and tired sooner than she had previously. Mom was an observer taking notes - with Andrè arriving, we wanted to record the exercises so that others could continue them with Alison while I spent time with my boy :).
Which brings us to .... Andrè arrived this week - some very happy girls met him at the airport. After sorting out the car at Tempest, we had to drive a mile to fetch my Mom's. Durban Airport is in the process of building a huge parking structure but it means the existing parking in front of the airport is no longer. Good thing the girls and I were a little early to pick him up as we ended up parking practically at the end of the runway - actually took a shuttle bus to get back to the airport !!
So back home, we celebrated a belated Father's Day together :)

Next morning my Mom took Dylan for his learners test (which thankfully he passed), girls went along to free Andrè and I up to run some errands - had to drop a shirt off with the Sharks for signatures - thanks for organizinging this PA ! Will be collecting it again before we leave on Friday for the Sharks vs Bulls game next week. The very tight game by the Sharks yesterday gives slight cause for concern although it was the 'B' team playing :) Aldo - here's your warning : stopped off at the Shark Cage and bought you a very stylish Sharks tattoo which Andrè will ensure you wear WHEN the Sharks win next week hehehe seems you're the only Bulls supporter joining us next week, should there be any others, we have enough to share the shame with hehehe
And still on the topic of rugby .... our Springboks - although Andrè says "Don't even bother going there" what a disappointing game :( WOW we love being in the history books but a 49-0 score to the Wallabies is not the way we prefer :( They best do some serious soul searching this week before facing the All Blacks next Saturday ! And if all else fails, hey we could just get a new coach as per our previous track record suggests hehehe. Maybe our Under 21 squad should be called up to represent us if the 'big boys' don't start showing what they're supposedly made of - soon !
Okay so back to us and what we've been up to ...
Friday we took the girls to Brian Boswell's Circus which was in Durban.

Although typically I disagree with circus' because of the high possibilities of animal exploitation and mistreatment, the outing was a good one. The animals in the show were minimal, definitely more acrobatics etc which were impressive. The girls were more dumbstruck by the people than the animals :) During the interval children five and younger were offered a pony ride - big sister Aimee was not impressed that Lucy got to ride and not her :(

So now its the weekend, yesterday was spent watching rugby and F1 qualifying.
My Mom has gone off for the day with friends for an outing to Scottburgh which is a nice break for her and we're just relaxing at home.
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