Andre got home this week from Rabigh, to some seriously sad kitty-cats and hasn't been left alone since :) Shame we're glad he's arriving in South Africa this week but we're sure Snowbell, Kiwi and Meouwie are NOT happy with his imminent departure AGAIN !!
Here in SA, we've just been doing the day-to-day stuff. Still spending mornings with Alison and some afternoons too. She is doing so well and although the progress is slow, she is none-the-less progressing ! Concern though over her shoulder which seems to have dropped out of position at the shoulder. (due to the weight of her arm which is yet to be hugely responsive to her efforts at any movement) Part of our therapy daily now is to compress the elbow and shoulder to try and force the joint back in and Alison wears a sling permanently to help the arm (shoulder:elbow:wrist) stay in a perpendicular position. It just limits the amount of exercise we can do because if the shoulder is not in properly, it is just too painful.
Afternoons are busy too as we try and sort out shopping, washing, maids, kids etc.
This week we managed to get the cupboards sorted in the girls' room and the room painted, curtains done etc. Don't have a before picture but it was pretty cramped, plain and in desperate need of a coat of paint. This is the after picture, occupants very happy with the changes :)

As the title warned, here are some photos of the candlelit dinners being enjoyed in the Bosch home this past week. Aimee and Lucy had a ball and thoroughly enjoyed their special 'drinks' and dinner by candelight.

Mr. Bosch take note cos your wife deserves a few of these too !
Okay so I finished this draft off last night, stating a pretty uneventful week for us ...
Little change to that then... This morning 2:15am, we were woken by the house alarm. Someone had tried opening our bathroom window. Obviously with the alarm going off, they were scared off. Coin Security called and sent their armed response out to check everything out. Everything okay by 2:30am, just Mom and me awake ! The Girls - well they barely batted an eyelid. Lucy woke up enough to complain about the light being on and wanting a holding nappy, once she got that she was off again. Aimee just turned over and carried on sleeping regardless.
Guess just another day in South Africa but enough excitement to be "blog-worthy" for us :)
Lastly, Aimee and Lucy enjoying some painting this afternoon - quiet time or so we hope hehehe.

My nieces are looking so grown up, you are going to have to bring them to visit before they get too big.
And wow, good thing you had the alarm put in, maybe it was the same guy as last time and now knows there is an alarm in and won't come back.
Love you all stax
If that is okay by you then we will be there yes.
hope you manage to get into RW (heheheeh)
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