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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Farewell Kiwi

My baby boy is missing .......

He was last seen on Sunday the 11th. In the three years he has been with us, he has never not slept in our bed ! So when he didn't turn up on Monday .... something must have been wrong !

We have walked the compound up and down, inside and out, several times a day, calling him. Now some of you might say, but cats don't come when they're called - Well ours do, especially Kiwi, in fact he will call you back :) ! We have signs up everywhere, we made all the necessary phonecalls to check on whether he could have been "found" and taken elsewhere, nothing !

We are choosing to believe our boy has been adopted (imo forcibly because I can't believe he chose not to come home - afterall he was king of the castle here hehehe) into another home because his vanishing into thin air is just too much of a puzzle.

So, farewell my beautiful boy, hope you're happy where ever you are now

**of course if you should ever manage to find your way home, you'll always be welcomed with open arms**


Emily Chaplin said...

Sorry about Kiwi:(
He is a beautiful cat.

HannaMari said...

I am really sorry. I couldn't stand it if Zoey had disappeared.
Have you found him yet?