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Friday, January 19, 2007

Genetics explained by Lucy ....

Heading to Bahrain today for rugby, Lucy sitting behind Tracy and Aimee sitting behind André. Aimee suggested they switch. (big thing about who sees who in the diagonal seating position)
Aimee pipes up "Yay, so I can see Daddy, because I am Daddy's child !"
Lucy immedately screechs "NOOOOOOOO, I am !"
Aimee then asks "Daddy, which of us is your child ?"
You know when one parent says to another "Deal with your child !" or " Your child did ....." or "he/she must be your child because ..."

"Aimee you are both my children !" says the father thinking that'll settle the dispute.
"But Daddy which one of us is a Daddy's child ?" maybe she was meaning the expression 'Daddy's girl' ???
So Lucy very seriously states :
"I have the most hair on my arms so I must be Daddy's child !"
Who says a 6 year old can't undertsand genetics !

1 comment:

Steven Chaplin said...

What is it about arm hairs, Ethan sits on my lap and has a few tugs on mine. I can remember sitting in the courtyard at home after lunch on a saturday (I was maybe 6 or so), I was sitting on Daddy's lap and asking something about his arm hairs. What ever it was Alison thought it was hilarious because she couldn't stop laughing.