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Monday, November 20, 2006

Whats up with us ...

Hello, so after a few seriously frustrating weeks trying to update and upload photos, I've given up and this'll be a text update.
Whats up with us, well, Uncle Larry has left us :(
While Andre was in the US and Larry was staying with us, he was introduced to any of our friends as Uncle Larry, my Rent-a-husband or Rent-a-dad while ours was away hehehe Of course to our American friends, this invoked endless teasing as when they refer to a guy other than the children's dad as "uncle" it means he's a "special friend" of Mom's hehehe So anyway we are very thankful to have had him here for the short time that we did and look forward to visiting soon.
While I am writing this, Andre is sitting in Yanbu again for a few days.
He is back tomorrow but I took advantage of his absence and put up Christmas decorations :D Those that know me, know I'd have them up all year round if I could ! Not because I'm lazy - well that too, but I do truly love it all. Yes the rule - so my friends inform me, is that anytime after Thanksgiving is good to start decorating. (Of course our Canadian friends said Thanksgiving was a month ago so there's nooooo problem) So what, I am a few days early :) mmmm a huge thing for me and I deserve a medal for it, even let the girls do most of the tree this time - so its not all even etc. but I managed to survive hehehe.

After doing the brown, red, even blonde, decided it was time to try black - for my hair that is ! So for Halloween, out came the box of hairdye. Andre's face when he got back from the US - Halloween eve was a hoot. Its faded now and is more a dark brown but we're getting really used to it and think it may stay for a while.

Really cooler weather here finally, first drizzle of rain on Friday, and Saturday we had some good showers. Girls wore long pants to school on Saturday and all of us had jackets on YAY ! No rain today but we're wearing long clothes and keeping sweaters with us now. We love cooler weather !
Won't it be odd to get used to heat suddenly when we head home for our 'winter' break in 3 short weeks ?! Looking forward to the short stay home for Christmas.

Well thats about it for now. Love, laughter, happiness and friendship to all.
Have a great day !

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