Okay so very very very very very sadly the Stormers lost tonight, 13 may 2006.
Bulls won, with a bonus point and sneaked in with JUST 1 more than The Sharks in the points difference.
Aldo, BGG, WGC and the Brummer Family and any other sudden Bulls supporters - your team won, let's just hope these boys can play as hard next Saturday in NZ !!!
The celebrations last night were good, the day was wonderful and bright, glory might have been shortlived for us Sharks supporters but it was lived and loved while we had it !
Seems the support paid off ! Well done The Sharks !
Full time
Sharks 41 - 25 Force
Sharks 41 - 25 Force
Okay so here's the deal : Sharks and Bulls are in contention for the semi-final spot.
Bulls play the Stormers tomorrow !
We're banking on either a complete loss by the Bulls or a win by less than 32 points !
That way ..... Sharks will be winging their way to play the Canterbury Crusaders in Christ Church, NZ !
Where they'll need a whole wack more support !!!
So, for 13 May 2006 ONLY ....

Remember to support Our Sharks tonight 7pm (SA time)

Tonight and only tonight I'll shout for your team Andre!!
Depending on how well we win, I might shout for your team tomorrow also :-)
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