Okay so it's the weekend - well the end of ours and the start of everyone else's. Andrè left for Rabigh (Red Sea side of Saudi, North of Jeddah) this week and will be there for a few weeks working at the Aramco refinery there.
This means he will miss the girls' Student-Led Conferences on Thursday :( This is always such a great event when all our students present their portfolios to their parents. Will hopefully video each of them - Lucy was such a hoot last year !
Andrè being away also impacted my going to Greece for the Student Study Trip which left Thursday for 8 days or should I say it impacted me not going :( well along with delays in visa for me etc. Always the next one though - we're finalising the itinery for our South Africa/Swaziland Student trip planned for October 2006 :)
Our weekend was a quiet one, girls and I just relaxed at home. Weather is heating up nicely, bit like summer at home so not too bad yet. Thats what planning is all about though - most everyone leaves for July/August which are typically the hottest months.
Which brings me to ...
Just 6 weeks of school left .... so much to do and the time just seems to be flying by - obviously this is a good and a bad thing hehehe
Good for the upcoming holiday and seeing family and friends, bad for all the stress of projects that need doing before the end.
Oh well thats it from me then for this posting, Survivor 12 Panama is on and I'll have to report back to Andrè :( he's really suffereing having no internet or western tv even to fall back on in the evenings :(
I even had to complete his Fantasy League Rugby Team over the phone heheh will surely have to do a blow by blow of the Sharks games until he gets back too :( hope I do our team justice :)
Cheerio for now everybody, catch the updates here again next week xoxox
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