Okay so I am very much delayed in updating but it just shows how absolutely chaotic the last few weeks have been.
This is seriously a woooohoooo posting for several reasons, tell you what, let me explain ...
So we'll start with the biggest - Alison ! Truly great stuff, end of May, just over 10 days after her stroke (yes the angiogram confirmed she'd had an acute stroke), she has some feeling in her right side ! Since this she has progressed to being able to leave Umhlanga hospital and move to Entebeni for rehab. She is busy on a daily basis doing mouth and tongue exercises which is helping her speech. Working in the gym and pool getting her right leg and arm used to working again is surely hard work.
She is on the mend and proves again why we are soooooo proud of her !
I arrive in South Africa tomorrow (Friday) and am seriously ready to take off my teacher hat and do my bit at the rehab thing hehehehe so hope you're ready big sister ! Please continue to pray for her as we need her to have the strength to become whole again.
Lucy's whole classDhahran Elementary Middle School Preschool Class of 2006 Graduates
Next wooohooooo - Lucy had her graduation ceremony from PreSchool a few weeks ago and as of yesterday, Aimee is offically a grade two student and Lucy will be moving on to Kindergarten in August - WOW ! Lucy continues to have her little anxiety attacks, definitely not constant as they were but still enough to make life a little difficult. Just got to be thankful we know it will pass.
Aimee's First Grade class.

Next wooooohoooo -
I finally managed to finish our school yearbook, report cards, website and online school updating and the other million things to do around here. We ask ourselves every year "why is year end sooooo busy and can't we do some of this at another quieter time". But alas no, things to do at the the end cannot be done any other time AND when is there a quiet time in a school year, seriously ?! Well at least not at our school hehehe There really are not enough hours in the day and I think Andre has been very happy in the last two that I haven't literally walked in the door - after staying 2 hours later at work already - and gone immediately to start working again until late.
Okay and now for a little booohoooo -
Our planned student study trip to SA October 2006 may at the very least be postponed. We needed parents to leave a deposit to secure our accommodation before the end of the school year - needed $1400. Only got $800. So it looks like I won't be bringing students to Jhb, Swaziland & CT over our Eid break as planned, booohooo.
Last one - this one also needs your prayers, so split them between Alison and Bruce please :) My principal is not very well, has been in and out of hospital several times this year. He has been sooo supportive of me not just professionally but also in the recent few weeks in dealing with being so far away from family and Alison especially. He is a great guy and needs all the prayers possible for the improvement of his health !
Well its early hours of the morning here - never thought I could survive on just a few hours each night but these past few weeks have seen very disturbed sleeping patterns and I have survived so ... just hope the girls crash on the planes so I can get some rest there maybe, yeah right :)
Will post again soon and once I have my life a little sorted I will post all rest of the photos from the last few weeks.
Have a good one everybody, love, laughter, happiness and friendship, God Bless xxx