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Saturday, February 03, 2007

this past week...

The week was pretty uneventful. School and work, up in the morning, out the door, home at night, and repeat !
Wednesday however was International Day at school. First thing in the morning, we all dressed up in clothing from/representing our home country, carried flags we'd made and had a parade at school. Throughout the day, students then got to "visit" the many countries represented at our school by visiting displays our wonderful PTG had put together.
Back to school in the evening for dance, music and food from around our world !

Up earlyish on Thursday morning, we headed for Doha to visit Larry and because André had been appointed to ref a Ladies Rugby Tournament Thursday/Friday. Decent drive, we took it slow because of the wet weather, arrived around 3pm. Off to the rugby where the girls had an absolute ball getting thoroughly soaked and muddy.
Back again Friday mid-morning where we got to get a few signatures from some visiting rugby greats. They have been travelling around the gulf doing some coaching and special appearances.
Couldn't leave without a photo with the host ladies team - Doha Oryx.
André being the ref appointed to the tournament got everyone organised, and then the games were on again.
"look at my nice clean clothes !"
(Lucy was pretty pooped and miserable by this stage and was fast asleep minutes after climbing in the car.)
The day was long but absolutely fabulous. We left just before 5pm and thankfully didn't make the detour through Hofuf this time, arrived home just before 9pm. All in all, a good ending to a pretty non-eventful week.

1 comment:

Steven Chaplin said...

In the last photo with Lucy, it certainly looks like she had fun, but she does look totally unimpressed. They are growing up fast.